
After just three weeks in business I attended the first Women in Business Expo. It was such an amazing experience that I made it my New Years resolution to join The Club. I have been a member for 2 months. Since joining I’ve received market sponsorship, online and paper media coverage for my business, a growth in social media following and an award recognising my branding.

But the really impactful changes are unquantifiable; true support from peersblossoming friendships and a real sense of confidence in what I’ve created. The Club is such a unique place because it brings you together with women who can truly relate to what you are doing. It is a group where everyone is rooting for you and working with you.

As a solo entrepreneur of an online business it can be hard to seek sound advice or get your business out there. Promoting a web store in this climate can sometimes feel like shouting into a void. I have been able to portray the full scope of my brand, which is a difficult task to achieve through a website in such a short time.

The varied coverage of topics through workshops and online meetings has given me a lot of help in dealing with all aspects of my new business in a very short time frame. Financially, it has been my best investment as it is improving multiple areas in the running of and future plans for Sleepy Chicken. Often large scale services or courses in one specific area of business is not an investment a new SME can make so this is an excellent option for those starting their journey in business.

Picture of Janna Mullaney,

Janna Mullaney,


During the last 3 months I have met some of the most incredibly supportive women in the club. It’s been great for my business to have access to a club that builds on community. With social media in particular changing so rapidly, it made a huge difference having a network I can turn to. Sian keeps her courses up to date as well. From the beginning of my membership Sian and her team have been so responsive and supportive. I’ve had access to live workshops with experts and an opportunity to speak about my business on founder friday (instagram). I also had the chance to do a deep dive dilemma in my business, getting direct feedback from my peers.

Picture of Tara Elzingre

Tara Elzingre


Joining The Club was the best thing I did for myself and my business last year. Starting a new business from home was very isolating but joining this networking group has eliminated that feeling. I have been in other networking groups that encourage ‘traditional’ networking and I thought that was all there was to it; meeting people for a coffee but not really gaining much else, still not knowing who I could ask for support with a simple task or problem. But being a member of The Club has opened my eyes to how networking could be. I love how the various meet-ups are structured to incorporate learning, problem solving and socialising. I know what headspace to be in for each one and always come away feeling motivated. The Club also ensures that our needs are met throughout the year with regard to the expert workshops they provide. There is so much more on offer within The Club than in any other group I have been involved with and knowing that continuous training and events will be available means that I look forward to the next few months instead of feeling like the same conversations are happening repeatedly.’

Picture of Triona Gunning

Triona Gunning


 As a founding member of Sian Horn’s networking club, I cannot recommend it highly enough for women who have set up their own business or who might have a side hustle.I started my business AdvanceHR in January 2020 and within weeks everything closed down and I had to get online to raise awareness of me, my business and how I supported SMEs.

When Sian told me that she was setting up The Club in November 2020, I knew that I needed to be part of it because I could see how passionate she was about helping women in business.The Club is one of the most comfortable, supportive, inclusive spaces a woman in business can be in. There is a private facebook group where any member can put up a question or look for support and there will always be someone within the network that will have advice to share or who can point that person in the right direction.The Club meets three times a month online, once for a deep dive where two members share a business dilemma and the other members put their heads together and share their feedback, experience and offer support. The second monthly event involves an expert workshop that shares insights, tips and experience on a wide range of topics, for example, financial advice, digital marketing, social media strategy, etc. The third event is the club social event where members meet through zoom and kick back with a drink of their choice while chatting and getting to know other members through breakout rooms.

For me, the expert workshops and the community support through the Facebook group are what I find most beneficial for my business. That and the opportunity to raise AdvanceHR’s profile through the weekly LIVES with Sian Horn, through her blog and by contributing to her Learning Hub.

Picture of Clodagh O'Donovan,

Clodagh O'Donovan,


    Contact Us

    A support and learning network like no other helping to build your confidence, create a business strategy, understand financials and cash flow to peer to peer coaching, workshops, marketing and the list goes on. The Club is truly where the empowered empower.