
Brainstorming Digital Ideas For Your Business by Christina Giliberti

theclub March 24, 2023 No Comments

Brainstorming Digital Ideas For Your Business by Christina Giliberti

Brainstorming Digital Ideas For Your Business

by Christina Giliberti of CG Online Marketing

One of the first things we do at CG Online HQ is listen to clients.

That very first conversation tells us a great deal about you challenges and your commitments. Both of which, are equally important.

From the challenges side, approx. 95% of clients state that they find it difficult to create ideas.

So we decided to focus on this one challenge and provide a mini brain storm for various business types. Some ideas you may already be implementing…some you might have heard about, but haven’t tried and others will be completely new.

Remember – the best ideas come from brainstorming. Ten mediocre ideas will eventually lead to one that feels right for your business.

I’m going to spitball – which means type, realise the creative insight and then hone in on it to get to the core of creativity.


Physical store + Online store (ecommerce)

Although ecommerce has been with us quite some time, everything evolves. The most successful online stores are not the most attractive. Their appeal is in their products, their features, their understanding on their audience and features that aid the decision and buying process. Yet all of these features come from research and that research is based on how people shop and what causes them to decide to buy.

Features like reviews, what other people brought, star ratings….. all of them say – These are excellent products, other people liked them, I’m a trustworthy seller….and bingo!!

The number one thing that creates a decision to buy is…..


Instead of building your ecommerce website to be visually-gorgeous, build it to be TRUSTWORTHY.

So how do you create trust?

You create trust through consistency, through loyalty and through the meeting of expectations. You can highlight all of these things by using a strategy which is split between design strategy and marketing strategy.

If you own a physical store, then trust and loyalty has been built and can be utilized when promoting your online store.

Instructor (Dance/Fitness)

I had my first dance lesson at the age of two. Fast forward ‘a number of years’ and I have no idea how I ever would have survived without the ability to tap into the freedom, control and emotional expression; without dance.

Dancing is personal. Dancing is emotional. Dancing is learning. Dancing is passion. Dancing is people. It’s sharing space…..its learning….and there we are.

Classes are about learning TOGETHER, but as an individual. And herein is what we create online.

So how can you create a shared dancing experience that also allows the dancer to learn at their own pace. Easy, you synchronize the two!

You can mix watch parties on Facebook with group lessons. Send out daily or weekly mini videos for individual teaching. Bring it all together for your group classes.

Ask clients to film their own moves so that you can correct and motivate. Share videos with your group to create that sense of community.

Challenge dancers to co-create routines and share with the group.


We have over 20 years’ experience in online communications and support a wide range of businesses.

We can help you:

Brainstorm ideas and create an online strategy
Provide templates to support your online planning
Manage your digital communications each month and give you first-class mentoring
Email us at strategy@cgomarketing.com for details.

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